Is a reflection nebula located in constellation Cassiopeia, approximately 600 light years from Solar System. This nebula is very dim, therefore I used narrow band filters Ha, OIII and SII and composed two pictures. One is composed in real colors, second in fake (Hubble) color palette.

Telescope:Newton 254/1000 mm
Aperture:254 mm
Focal length:1100 mm
Mount:Gemini GF53f
Autoguiding:Orion Mini, TS 50/160 mm
Camera:Moravian instruments G2 8300M @-30C
Corrector:Explore Scientific HR Coma Corrector
Filters:Baader Ha, OIII, SII
Exposure:55xHa, 28xOIII, 26xSII 300 s bin 1x1