The previous picture of the Veil nebula was done by using a focal length of 1000 mm. Since this nebula is huge, I wanted to capture also the other parts. This time I reduced the focal length to 730 mm, by ASA corrector/reducer.
Telescope: | Newton 254/1000 mm |
Aperture: | 254 mm |
Focal length: | 730 mm |
Mount | Skywatcher EQ-6 |
Autoguiding | Orion Mini Autoguider |
Camera: | Moravian instruments G2 8300M @ -30C |
Corrector: | ASA 2″ corrector/reducer |
Filters: | Baader Ha, OIII |
Exposure: | 15x Ha, 15x OIII, 600 s, bin 1×1 |