Tag: Cluster

M44 Beehive Cluster

Beehive cluster is an open cluster located in constellation Cancer. Because of its relatively “short” distance to the Solar system (600 Light years), it didn’t fit fully into the field of view of my telescope. The cluster has approximately 1000 stars and even two planets were discovered there.

M5 Globular Cluster

M5 is a globular cluster discovered by Gottfried Kirch and Maria Margarethe Kirch in 1702. It’s located in constellation Serpens and it’s 24500 light-years far from the Solar System. This globular cluster has diameter 165 light-years and contains more than 100 000 stars, which makes it one of the biggest globular cluster in our Milky Way galaxy.

M92 Globular Cluster in Hercules

Constellation Hercules contains two globular clusters. First one is spectacular Great Globular Cluster M13 and its smaller brother M92. However, the smaller one is one of the brightest and the oldest globular cluster in our galaxy. It’s 26 700 light-years away from the Solar System and it contain 250 000 stars.