I don’t want to repeat myself, therefore the description of the most famous nebula visible from the northern hemisphere can be found here.
The previous picture has some strange halo around the bright star Hatsya and I was thinking why. Recently, a similar picture came out of my telescope and I realized that this strange halo is caused by the frost on the secondary mirror. I manufactured a homemade dew shield and I don’t have these problems anymore.
This picture is, as usual, composed of narrowband pictures. When I look at it I am still not happy, therefore I hope next year will be better weather and I will make a better picture.

Telescope: | Newton 254/1000 mm |
Aperture: | 254 mm |
Focal length: | 730 mm |
Mount: | Gemini GF53f |
Autoguiding: | Orion Mini, TS 50/160 mm |
Camera: | Moravian instruments G2 8300M @-30C |
Corrector: | ASA 0.73 reducer |
Filters: | Baader Ha, OIII |
Exposure: | 17xHa, 15xOIII, 240 s, 10xHa, OIII 60 s bin 1x1 |
Date: | 2017-01-07 |