Messier 83, sometimes called Southern Pinwheel Galaxy is one of the most difficult deep space objects in the whole of Messier’s catalog. It is located between the constellations Hydra and Centaurus. This galaxy has a very low southern declination (close to the horizon) and this makes it difficult to photograph in Central Europe. I tried a few years ago in La Palma, but my attempt was ruined by clouds and bad weather in general. This time I was better prepared: traveled south and hired a telescope with a much longer focal length. However, after the acquisition in the post-processing stage, I noticed that the final image is not that sharp and it was not really publishable. I was quite disappointed and put the picture in the archive. Recently I came back to this image because a new tool for sharpening was released – BlurXTerminator. I must say, this plugin for Pixinsight makes magical things. It reduces the stars and simultaneously makes the non-stellar object significantly sharper. I managed to turn an unfocused picture into this:

Telescope | Meade 10″ |
Aperture | 254 mm |
Focal length | 2097 mm |
Mount | MK 100K |
Autoguiding | MGEN 240 mm |
Camera | ZWO 071 @-10°C |
Corrector | TS 0.67 reducer |
Filters | non |
Exposure | 52x180s, Gain 95, bin 1×1, |
Date | 2022-05-28 |