I already captured these magnificent galaxies some time ago (short description here), but with a different camera. Moreover, I upgraded the primary mirror of my Newtonian telescope and the difference is noticeable. My current camera has a slightly bigger sensor, therefore I managed to squeeze an additional galaxy NGC 3077 The Garland Galaxy (upper left corner) into the field of view.
The image was captured during two nights and in total it’s a stack of 100 pictures each 180 s long. Unfortunately, the light pollution in my area doesn’t allow me to capture a better picture.

Telescope | Newton 254/1000 mm |
Aperture | 254 mm |
Focal length | 950 mm |
Mount | Gemini G53f |
Autoguiding | ZWO 174MM, TS 60/240 mm |
Camera | ZWO 071 Pro @-10°C |
Corrector | MaxField coma corrector |
Filters | No |
Exposure | 100x180s, Gain 95, bin 1x1, |
Date | 2021-04-09 |