Tag: M78

M78 Nebula

The M78 Nebula, also known as Messier 78, is a bright reflection nebula located in the constellation Orion, about 1,350 light-years from Earth. Known for its striking blue color, M78 is illuminated by the light of young, hot stars embedded within it. The nebula’s dust particles reflect this starlight, creating a luminous glow that highlights its wispy clouds and dark lanes of dust. M78 is one of the brightest reflection nebulae in the sky and is a fascinating region of active star formation, where new stars continue to emerge within dense pockets of gas and dust.

TelescopeNewtonian 200/800 mm
Aperture200 mm
Focal length800 mm
MountSkywatcher EQ6R
AutoguidingZWO 174MM, WO 40/200 mm
CameraZWO 071MC @-10°C
Exposure200x180s, Gain 100, bin 1×1,

M78 Nebula

Messier 78 is a reflection nebula located in constellation Orion, visually not far from stars Alnitak Alnilam and Mintaka, which form the Orion’s belt. This nebula is one of the brightest reflection nebulas on the sky, due to reflection of the light coming from two bright stars called HD38563A and HD38563B.

My previous attempt to capture this nebula during my expedition to Schwarzwald was not that successful, due to the due problems, therefore I dedicated nearly 3 hours to this DSO. However, it looks like the picture would need longer integration time.

Technical details:

TelescopeNewton 254/1000 mm
Aperture254 mm
Focal length950 mm
MountGemini G53f
AutoguidingZWO 174MM, TS 60/240 mm
CameraZWO 071 Pro @-20°C
CorrectorTS-Optics 2" 3-element MaxField
FiltersHutech IDAS LPS-D2
Exposure50x180s, Gain 94, bin 1x1,