NGC 55 is a barred irregular galaxy located in the constellation Sculptor, approximately 6.5 million light-years from Earth. It is a member of the Sculptor Group, one of the closest galaxy groups to our own Local Group. NGC 55’s elongated, edge-on structure gives it a striking resemblance to the Small Magellanic Cloud, making it an intriguing subject for astronomers studying galaxy formation and evolution. It features active star-forming regions, dust lanes, and a complex mix of young blue stars and older red stars. Its irregular shape is likely influenced by gravitational interactions with neighboring galaxies.

TelescopeNewtonian 200/800 mm
Aperture200 mm
Focal length800 mm
MountSkywatcher EQ6R
AutoguidingZWO 174MM, WO 40/200 mm
CameraZWO 071MC @-10°C
Exposure79x180s, Gain 100, bin 1×1,