Messier 53 is a globular cluster located in constellation Coma Berenices. This cluster is quite far from galactic center of the Milky Way (60 000 light-year), which makes it to be located on the outer edge of our galaxy. However, it heading towards the center with speed approximately 63 km/s. The cluster contains 500 000 stars, but this cannot be verified by the photo I took, because it is 58 000 light-year from Earth and my telescope has very small aperture to resolve this kind of details.

Technical details:
Telescope | Newton 254/1000 mm |
Aperture | 254 mm |
Focal length | 1060 mm |
Mount | Gemini G53f |
Autoguiding | ZWO 174MM, TS 60/240 mm |
Camera | ZWO 071 Pro @-10°C |
Corrector | Explore Scientific HR coma corrector |
Filters | Astronomik L-1 - UV IR Block Filter |
Exposure | 45x300s, Gain 94, bin 1x1, |
Date | 2019-05-13 |